Truck runs over Mercedes Hood

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During this whole incident I was out of the truck organizing the tools behind my seat, checking my trailer lights, and on the phone with my blue tooth ear buds so I didn’t hear anything. Only until I came around my truck I saw the accident in front of me.

What really happened? It was both drivers faults.

Mercedes should of never jumped into that right lane and should of took off before the truck….seeing he was in a rush in the first place and couldn’t wait for the truck to complete its turn. He also was in a major blind spot of the truck. Notice the Peterbilt had no nose mirrors….meaning he couldn’t see the car because it kept edging forward.

Truck driver was also at fault for not using the right lane to block his blind spot from cars cutting off his turn. That’s what button hook turns are for….using your trailer to block the blind spot and using your near side watching for traffic trying turn over your left.

It looked like both drivers were oblivious of their surroundings.


Category: Accidents